Class Entry Application
The shipowners / managers enjoy simplified class entry procedures and reasonable chargeable fees when applying to Maritime Lloyd Ltd. for class entry.
ML having an expanded network of surveyors worldwide assures that delays to ships’ operation would not be normally expected.
Class and statutory certificates issued by ML are accepted worldwide and by the major insurance markets.
Applications for initial classification with ML of ships or other marine structures, are to be made by the owners/managers by submitting the “APPLICATION FOR CLASSIFICATION SURVEY AND AGREEMENT” form duly filled-in, signed and stamped by the applicant.
In case class transfer is considered, owners/managers must produce documentary evidence of the surveys held by the previous classification society (losing society) as follows:
1. Updated survey status including recommendations, if any.
2. Updated continuous Hull & Machinery lists, if any
3. Copies of class certificates
4. Copies of statutory certificates
5. Copies of documents issued by the flag Administration (Registry, Safe manning etc)
Plans deemed necessary on account of the vessel’s type and service experience are to be requested and submitted.
A program of surveys will be set forth based on the losing society cycle of surveys.
Statutory certificates are to be issued by ML on behalf of the Flag Administration after relevant authorization following satisfactory surveys in accordance with the International Conventions.
For details please apply directly to ML Head Office.